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it starts with a dream...


Calm Sea

Are you dreaming about catamaran sailing?

Discover your catamaran sailing potential with our quiz

You know you need a catamaran?

Navigate your way to the perfect catamaran with us


They are Living it!

Explore and learn from 100+ YouTube Catamaran Sailing Channels:
Image by Muhammadh Saamy

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Do Our Boat Quiz!

Answer the 16 most critical questions when choosing a catamaran, and we give you 3 boats that match your sailing plans best. It's easy, fun!

Compare Favourites!

Compare three catamarans side by side. What better way to see and find out their differences in specifications and looks, and make an educated choice! 

Find Your Brand

Find out who is who when it comes to different catamaran manufacturers. They all serve a different clientele, find the brand story you vibe with!

Ask Us

You've made the Quiz, compared your favourites and gotten to know all the Brands but still havent found your boat. Dont worry, we are here for you!

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